Where Dance

May 31st - June 2nd 2024


Swing Generation is back!

May 31st - June 2nd 2024

As always, to give all dancers the chance to attend this amazing social (dance) experience, we decided to reschedule to the end of May to not overlap with any other major event.

We are very happy to welcome you back to our beautiful city Erding, with  plenty of room for dancing and socializing!

We hope to set a unique atmosphere, that not only encourages you to connect with old and new friends, but also with yourself on and off the dance floor!

Connecting to our dance family and to yourself, to celebrate the joy of dancing!

Open up your spirit and embrace yourself as part of our loving and caring community!

To further support your growth as dancers, we present to you a wide variety of instructors, to cover all your needs and provide you with the best input possible in the most enjoyable way!

Bringing together top tier international trainer couples, we aim to promote diversity and acceptance! These are the aspects, that made us all fall in love with WCS and this community!

As this is a pure social event, it’s our highest priority to get rid of all the negative energies and spread cozy vibes, so everybody can give in to the flow. Therefore, we are bringing back our dedicated Zen-room, to provide you with a place to breath and recharge your social battery.

Trailer 2023